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How to Install the Following Files in the e-Sword app for iPhone or iPad

Thai KJV Bible (Red Letter Edition)
Thai Version of Understanding the Bible
Thai Version of Dr. Oliver B. Green Commentaries
Thai language modules

Open iTunes on your computer.

Connect your iPhone or iPad to a computer that has these files in the e-Sword program on your computer.

Click on the iPhone or iPad icon at the top left of your screen, to the right of the word "Music".

iTunes might back up your iPhone or iPad to your computer. Wait for this to finish.

On the left side of the screen, click on the words "File Sharing".

Under File Sharing, scroll down and click on the e-Sword LT app

Click on the "Add File" button on the bottom right of your screen.

Locate the e-Sword directory on your computer. Usually it is C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword

Locate and click on the following files:


Then click the "Open" button at the bottom right of the window.

At the top of the screen in iTunes, you should see these files being copied.

Close the e-Sword LT app on your iPhone or iPad. After reopening, you should see the files under the Bible, Commentary and Reference tabs.

If you have any questions about downloading or installing these files,
Send an email to Philip Pope
And he will answer your questions by email