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"Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days."
Ecclesiastes 11:1

These files are in Adobe PDF format. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader click here for a free download.

The Gospel Film Thai
The Gospel Film Thai
By Evangelist Caleb Garraway

Thai Language Tracts

God's Simple Plan of Salvation

Listen to God's Simple Plan of Salvation on You Tube

What Is Your Life?

Ten Questions and Answers
Written by David Macmillan, Originally Published by WEC International

Can You Swim?

Charles Darwin's Confession

Can Religion and Good Works Help Me Escape Future Judgment?


Mrs. Dow Troop's Salvation Testimony

Mrs. Dow Troop's Testimony About Satan's Voice

Pastor Santisuk's Salvation Testimony

What If This Was Your Life?

The Truth About Jesus by Samuel Forsberg

Soul Winning Tract by Dr. Bob Bowen

Jackson's Song by Rick Plumlee

Considering Nature by Rev. Ron Myers

Considering Nature by Rev. Ron Myers
Audio File, recorded by Mr. Baaw Ter

The Gospel of the Grace of God by Joseph Dearing

The Way to Heaven by Joseph Dearing



Hell - Pastor Tirapong's testimony

No Escape - Pastor Tirapong's testimony

No Purpose - Pastor Santisuk's testimony

What Did Jesus Teach about Honoring our Parents?

Thai Language Chick Tracts (available from Chick Publications)

Creator or Liar?

A Love Story

One Way

This Was Your Life

The Word Became Flesh

Best Friend

Burmese Language Tracts

Burmese Gospel tract # 1

Burmese Gospel tract # 2

Burmese Gospel tract # 3

Burmese Gospel tract # 4

English Language Tracts

God's Simple Plan of Salvation

What Is Your Life?

Ten Questions and Answers
Written by David Macmillan, Originally Published by WEC International

Can You Swim?

Charles Darwin's Confession

Can Religion and Good Works Help Me Escape Future Judgment?


Mrs. Dow Troop's Salvation Testimony

Mrs. Dow Troop's Testimony About Satan's Voice

What If This Was Your Life?

Soul Winning Tract by Dr. Bob Bowen

Jackson's Song by Rick Plumlee

Considering Nature by Rev. Ron Myers



Hell - Pastor Tirapong's testimony

No Escape - Pastor Tirapong's testimony

No Purpose - Pastor Santisuk's testimony

What Did Jesus Teach about Honoring our Parents?

English Language Chick Tracts (available from Chick Publications)

Creator or Liar?

A Love Story

One Way

This Was Your Life

The Word Became Flesh

Best Friend